
New “LinkedIn” threat

Published by dave at 11:43 AM under Current Threats | Malware | social media | Daily Tips

Lately I’ve been receiving a lot of email “invitations” to connect with people on LinkedIn, a popular career networking site.  There are three glaring problems which should raise your suspicion immediately: 1) the emails are arriving at an email address that I have not associated with LinkedIn, 2) I've never heard of the person "making the request", and 3) the URL to accept the invitation is to a phishing site. 

This is a classic case of social engineering to either scam you or damage your computer.  Notice how in this photo when you hover over the “link” to connect, it is directing you to a site other than LinkedIn?  Best bet anytime you receive a message like this is delete delete delete.  Don’t let curiosity get the better of you.



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